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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

Westminster, Thursday March 15.
The House read the Report concerning the Prizage of wines, and the Opinion
of the said Committee thereupon
Resolved, That the Priage wines ought to pay no Tunnage or custom.
Resolved, That all such Customs as have been taken from the Lessee of the
Prizage Wines, or his Assignes, by the Customers, shall and ought to be allowed
to him upon his Accompt, and defaiked out of his Rents.
The Bill for confirmation of Ministers, settled in any personage, Vicarage
or Hospital within this Commonwealth, was this day read the first and second
time, and committed unto a Committee, who were ordered presently to
withdraw, with power to consider how to continue the powers touching
granting Aug[unr]mentations of Ministers, and to bring in the names of persons to
be Trustees, and to take the Bill touching Wales formerly committed into Consideration.
The House likewise ordered the Payment of Five thousand Pounds, and of
Four thousand one Hundred and six pounds, with interest, due unto Major
General grown, and formerly Charged upon the Excise, one fourth part where
of presently, and the residue thereof at three moneths by equal portions out
of the present Receipt of the Excise, and that his acquittance testifying the
Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient discharge.
Resolved, That the sum of Twenty thousand pounds, be and is hereby conferred
on his Excellency General George Monck, and that the same be charged
upon the Receipts of the publick Exchequer (other then the Excise, Customs,
and Assessments) and paid to the same shall came in.
Ordered, That a Bill be brought in for payment of the said Twenty thousand
Pounds to General George Monck accordingly, and that Mr. Prynne and Mr:
Scowen do bring in the said Bill accordingly.
The House read the Bill enabling to sue Bonds and Securities taken in the
name of Oliver Lord Protector, or Richard Lord Protector, which was this day
read the first and second time, and upon the question Passed.
Ordered, That this Act be printed and published.
Resolved, That this be the Title of the said Act, An Act for the Payment of
Debts due to the publick.
A Bill for countenancing the Receivers, and impowring them to get in the
Rents and Reverues of Delinquents and Popish Recusant Estates, was this day
read the first and second time, and so passed.
Ordered, That the two Troops of Oxfordshire, be paid their moneths pay as
the rest of the Army the paid.
Resolved, That Sir Thomas Greisley Baroner, Sir, John Curson Knight and Baronet,
Walter Horton Esquire, Charles Agard Esquire, George [unr]idwel. Enquire,
Gilbert Thacker Esq; and George Tailor Gent. be and are hereby nominated and
appointed Commissioners for the Assessments in the county of Derby, and that
they and every of them, be and are hereby impowred and authorised to fit and
act as Commissioners for the Assessments, as fully to all intents and surpeses as
if they had been names in the Act. entituled, An Act for an assessments of one
hundred thousand pond by the moneth, upon England, Scotalnd, and Ireland, for
six moneths.
The House adjourned until three of the Clock.
Resolved, That the grant of the Office of chief Register in Chancery made
to miles Corbet Esq; and Mr. Robert Goodwin, shall from henceforth cease and
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