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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

be void, and that the differences between Walter Long Esq; a Member, of Parliament,
and the Lady Jermin, touching the said office, be and is hereby referred
unto Denzil Hollis and Sir Harbotle Grimstone, to determine the
The House read a Bill for giving power to the Council of State, during the
interval, in order to publick safety, which after the first and second reading,
Resolved, That the Letters credentials from the King of Sweden, given at
Gottenburgh, 13 Febr. 1660. and former Letters from the said King of Sweden,
delivered in by Mr. Speaker, be referred to the Council of State.
The House also read the credent[unr]ls of Alge[unr]non [unr]idn[unr], and Sir Robert Honywood
Knight, Plenipotentiaries to the King of Sweden.
Ordered, that the Council of State do write such Letter credential for the
said Plenipotentiaries, as they shall think fit, and that Mr. Speaker do sign the
same, and seal the same with the Parliaments Seal.
The House likewise read the Bill for continuing the Terms, Processes, and
Proceedings of the four Courts of Justice in Ireland, which being read the first
and second time, upon the question, passed.
Likewise the Bill for reviving and Act for Impressing of Seamen, was this day
read the first and second time.
Resolved, That this Act do continue until the 24 of June, 1660. and no longer;
and the sad Bill so amended, being put to the question passed.
Resolved, That further power be granted unto the Council of state, to issue
their Warrants to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, for the authori[unr]g them
to pass under the Grant Seal, such Commissioners or Plenipotentiaries as the
Council shall finde necessary to forem Ministers, employed from this Commonwealth,
an particularly for those employed in sweden.
The House also passed an Act for removing obstructions in bringing in the
Resolved, That power be and is hereby given to the Council of Stare, to
discharge col. John Lambert from his Imprisonment; upon his parol or security,
as they shall see cause.
Resolved, That Dr. Wren be discharged of his imprisonment, and that the
Lieutenem of the Tower be and is hereby required to discharge him accordingly.
Resolved, That the like power be and is hereby given to the Council of State
to discharge any other person or persons that are imprisoned upon any crime
committed against the State.
Ordered, That the Act for the Ministers, the Act for the General, and the Act
for dissolving this present Parliament, be taken into consideration to morrow
morning, nothing to intervene.
Ordered, That the Petition of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, be referred
to the Council of State, to take the same into consideration, and to settle
those that are already in possession, and supplying of Deficiencies out of
Land forfeited to the commonwealth.
Ordered, That the Trustees for sale of Lands forfeited to the Commonwealth
for Treason, be and are required to for bear to sell any of the Lands of Estates
of the Lord St. John, and of the Lord, Craven, and a stop be and is hereby put
to the selling of the same, and in selling of the timber on their or either of
their lands yer unsold.
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