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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

Friday, March 16.
Resolved, That John Ince, a servant attending on the Parliament, having
been arrested, and being imprisoned, at the s[unr]it of John Biscoe, be and is here
by discharged of his imprisonment, and that Richard George, a Bai[unr]ss of the
Liberties of Westminster, who arrested the said John Ince, be sent for in custody,
and that the Serjeant at Arms attending the Parliament, do take him into
custody accordingly.
Information being given to the House, That there was a neglect by the Printer,
in not expediting the Acts for the Militia; the Parliament nominated a
Committee to go unto the Printing house, and to examine matters of Fact;
Mr. Prynne reports from the said Committee, the according to Order of Parliament
they went to the Printers last night, and did finde, that there was no
fault in the Clerk, nor in the Printer, not no delay in the One, non in the
Ordered, That the Patent concerning Sion colledge, news in the hands of
the Clerk of the Parliament, be delivered unto Mr. Manton.
A Bill for conferring of Twenty thousand pounds on Captain General
George Monck, for his eminent services, was read the first, second and third
time, and upon the question passed.
Ordered, That his Excellency the Lord, General Monck, be and is hereby
constituted Steward of the Honors and Mannors of Hampton Court, and
Keeper of the House and park there, and that he hold and enjoy the same,
with all Rights and Privileges to the Said Stewardship belonging, in as large,
ample, and beneficial manner to all intents and purposes, as any Steward of
the Honors and Mannors of Hampton-Court, Keeper of the House and Parks,
have at any time heretofore had enjoyed the same.
Resolved, That the Act for dissolution of his Parliament, be read the first
business this afternoon, nothing to intervene.
Amendments to the Bill for settling incumbents in sequestred livings, which
being twice, read, upon the question, was agreed upon, and the said Act so
amended, being put to the Question, passed.
Ordered, That this be the Title of this Act, viz. An Act for Ministers and Payment
of Tythes,
Ordered, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.
Ordered, That Mr. Martin Blague, be and is hereby restored to his living at
Barastaple,in the County of Devon, and it is reso[unr]red to the Lords Commissioners
for Custody of the Great seal, and the Master of the Rolls, or any two of
them, to see this order executed; and that the said Martin Blague be pat in
possession of the said living accordingly.
A Letter from General George Monck, from St. James, 16 March, 1659. was
Ordered, That three Gentlemen be appointed to go unto the General to
give him satisfaction, and report their proceeding herein to the Parliament.
A Bill for taking the accompts and redressing of Grievances, concerning the
Tythes and Church Livings in Wales, and for advancement of Religion and
Learning there, was this day read the third time, and upon the Question
The Committee appointed to go o the General, Reports that the General
upon reading the Clauses in the Act for the Militia, rested well satisfied.
A Bill Engrossed for dissolving of the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster
the Third of November, 1640. And for the calling and holding of a
Parliament at Westminster on the Five and Twentieth day of April, 1660. was
this day read the third time.
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