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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

A Proviso unto the said Bill was tendered and read the first and second time,
and upon the question agreed unto. Viz.
Provided always, and be it declared, That the single, actings of this House,
inforced by the pressings of cessions of the present times, are not intended in
the least, to infringe, much less take away, that ancient native right which the
House, of Peers (consisting of the Lords, who did engage in the cause of the
parliament against the forces raised in the name of the late King, so
continued until 1648). had and have to be a part of the Parliament of England.
Resolved, That the day for the dissolution of the Parlaiament be from the
16 day of March, 1659. And the said Bill so amended, being put to the question, passed.
Ordered, That this Act be printed and Published.
Resolved, That this day three weeks being Friday the sixth of April, 1660.
be set apart for a day of Publick Fasting and Humiliation. to be s[unr]lemnised
throughout these Nations, to seek the Lord, for his blessing upon the Parliament
to be called; That the Lord will make them Healers of our breaches,
and Instruments to resolve and settle Peace and Government in these Nations,
upon foundations of Truth and Righteousness.
The Form of the Writ.
THe KEEPERS of the Liberty of England, by
Authority of Parliament, to the Sheriff of N. Greeting.
Whereas it is Enacted, That a Parliament shall be
held at Westminster the five and twentieth day of April
next ensuing: Therefore me command, and formally enjoy
you, That Proclamation being made of the day and
place aforesaid in your next County Court, to be burden
after the Receipt of this our writ, you cause to be [unr]
and indifferently chosen by them, who shall be present at
such Election ------ Knights with their S[unr]s girl of
the most sit and di[unr]t persons for the County aforsaid;
and of cbery City of the said County ------ Citizens; and
of eb[unr]ry Borough ------ Burgesses of the most discreet and
sufficient, according to the form of the Statutes thereupon
made and probided: And that the names of the said
knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, so to be chosen, whether
then be present or absent, you do cause to be inferted in
certain Indentures thereupon to be made, between you and
them that shall be present at such Election, and that you
cause them to come at the day and place aforesaid; so that
the said Knights for themselves, the Commonalty of the
said county and the said citizens and Burgesses for themselves,
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