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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

Advertisements of Books newly printed and Published.
A General Martyrology; containing a Collections of all
the greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Church of Christ, from the
Creation to our present times, both in England and all other Nations.
Where unto are added the Lives of 22. Divines. Corrected and enlarged
with the Persecutions of Piedmont and Poland. By Sam. Clarke, Pastor of
Bennet-Finck. Sold by John Rothwell, at the Fountain in Cheapside, and Tho.
Underhil, at the Anchor in Pauls Churchyard.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins Opened and applied from
Matth. 25 1. 13. Wherein the Difference between the sincere Christ an and
the Most refined Hypocrite the Nature and Characters of saving and Common
Grace; the Danger and Diseases incident to flourishing Churches or
Christians, and other spiritual Truths of great importance discovered, and
practically improved : By Thomas Shephard, late worthy Pastor of the
Church of Christ at Cambridge in new England. Sold by John Rothwel at
the Fountain in cheapside, and for sam. Thomson at the Bishops-head in
Pauls Churchyard.
Diatribæ de Æterno Divini beneplaciti circa Creaturas Intellectuales
Decreto, ubi Patrum consulta, Scholasticorum [unr]ta & Modernorum placita ad Sacræ Scriptutæ amussim & Orthodoxæ Ecclefiæ Tribunal
deferuntur,Pars Prima, quæest de ipsa ante secula prœfinitione, [unr]
posito Divino. Authore Thoma Aylesbury Presbytero Anglo, S. S. Theologiæ
Baccalaurco, sold by John Baker at the Peacock in Pauls Church-Yard.
An Advertisement.
WHereas there is lately published a Book, entituled,
[Foreign], Being an Exposition of part of the
First Chapter of St. John, By John Arrowsmith D. D. &c.
These are to give notice, that the said Book is printed out of some
spurious and imperfect Notes, contrary to the Will, and to the
great wrong of the said Reverend Author: And that no Piece
which shall be hereafter published, with pretence unto his Name,
is to be looked upon as genuine and legitimate, but what shall be
attested under our Hands, to whom he committed the Publication
of his Works, and who have already set forth his Chain of
Thomas Horton.
William Dillingham.
There where some late abuses offered to the People called Quakers in their
meetings, which were by some of them laid before General Monck, who Presently
thereupon gave forth an order; requiring all Officers and Souldiers to
forbear to disturb their meetings, they doing nothing prejudicial to the Parliament
and Commonwealth. Dated at St. James the 9th March, 1659
Signed George Monck.
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