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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

the Commonwealth, the Other Moiety to the use of such person or persons
who shall sue for the same, by Writ, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court
of Record at Westminster, wherein no wager of Law, Protection or Privilege,
shall be allowed.
And be it further enacted, That no sheriff shall adjourn the County Court
from the Place of their first meeting, without consent of the major part of
the Freeholders there present, under the penalty of Five Hundred Pound,
the One moyety to the Commonwealth, the other Moyety to the party that
shall sue for the same, by Bill, Plaint, information or otherwise as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, that all such person and persons who have advised,
aided, or any ways assisted or ebetted the Rebellion of Ireland, and all those
who do prosess the Popish Religion, are disabled, and shall be incapable to be
elected Members to sit in Parliament, and that all and every person and persons
who have advised, or voluntarily aided, abetted, or assisted in
any War against the Parliament, since the first day of January, One
thousand six hundred fourty one, and his or their Sons, unless he or they have
since manifested their good affections to this Parliament, shall be incapable to
be Elected to serve as Members in the next Parliament: And that he which
shall enter into the Parliament, who is not qualified as aforesaid, shall be deemed
no Knight, Citizen, Burgesse, not Baron for the Parliament, not shall have
any Voice, but shall be to all Intents, Constructions and purpose, as if he had
never been returned nor Elected Knight, Citizen, Burgess, or Baron for the
Parliament, and shall suffer such Paine and penalties, as if he has presumed to
fit in the Same without Election, Return, or Authority.
Provided alwayes, and be it declared, That the single Actings of this House,
enforced by the Pressing necessities of the present times, are not intended in
the lease to infringe, much lesse take away that ancient Native Right, Which
the House of Peers (consisting of those Lords who did ingage in the Cause of
the Parliament, against the Forces raised in the name of the late King, and so
continued until one thousand six hundred fourty eight) had, and have to be a
part of the Parliament of England.
Clerk of the Parliament.
An Act for Approbation and Admission of Ministers of the Gospel
to Benefices and Publick Lectures.
FOr as much as it is the Duty and Interest of Magistrates to take care of the
Church and of the Provision of godly and able Ministers for it, be it enacted,
That every person who shall frOm and after the fifteenth day of March, one
thousand six hundred fifty and nine, be presented, nominated, chosen or appointed
to any Benefice, formerly called Benefice with Care of Sonds, or to
French any publick settled Le[unr]r[unr] in England or Wales, shall before he be admitted
unto any such Benefice or Lecture, be judged and approved by the
Persons hereafter named, to be a Person of godly life and sufficient abilities for
the work of the Ministry, and a Person ordained thereunto. And that no Person
to be presented after the said fifteenth day of March, but such as shall be so
approved and admitted; shall be a publick Precher, or take or receive any such
Benefice as aforesaid or the profits thereof. And be it further Enacted, That
Doctor Reynolds, Mr Calamy, Mr Manton, Mr.Ash, Mr Haviland, Mr. Jacombe,
Mr. Jenkin, Mr. Cooper, Mr Case, Doctor Spurstow, Mr Bates, Mr Poole, Mr Wood.
Cock, Doctor Drake, Mr Nalton, Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Guibon, Mr. Carryl, Mr. Jackson.
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