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Mercurius politicus, Number 612, 15th-22nd March 1660 E.195[58]

Mr Row, Mr Sangar, Mr. Sheffeild, Mr Barker, Mr Watson, Mr Taylor, Mr. Lye,
Mr Ralph Breddock, Mr. George Griffith, Mr John Meriton, Doctor Horton, Doctor
Annesley, Shall be and are hereby nominated, constituted and appointed Commissioners
for such approbation and admission as is aforesaid; And the said
Commissioners, or any five or more of them met together in London, are hereby
authorized to Judge and take Knowledge of the ability and fitness of any person
so presented, nominated, chosen or appointed, according to the Qualification
above mentioned; And upon their approbation of such his ability and fitness,
to Grant unto such person admission to such Benefice of Lecture by an Instrument
in Writing under a Common Seal to be appointed by the said Commissioners
or any five of them, and under the hand of the Register for the time being
to be also nominated by the said commissioners, or the greater number of them;
which instrument the said Register shall cause to be entred in a Book for that
purpose, and kept upon Record.
Provided alwayes, That no Person who shall be nominated or presented for
approbation as aforesaid, shall be councludes by any Vote of the said Commissioners
which shall pass in the negative as to his approbation, unless for reasonable
cause, and that nine or more of the said Commissioners be present at such
vote; And that the names of the Resufe[unr] be registred in a Book to be kept for
that Purpose, where nto any person may resort.
Be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners or any nine of them, shall
have power by writing, under their Seal, to nominate four or more persons of
Known piety and learning, for and in every Country of England and Wales, who
or any three of them so nominated in their respective Counties, shall have power
to examine such person as shall be presented or nominated to any Benefice, or
is to be admitted to any Lecture within the said respective Counties, touching
his fitness and abilities for the same; and to certify in writing with their names
subscribed, their Opinion and Judgment thereupon to the Commissioners
herein named ; And In Case that Certificate shall be made of the fitness and ability
of such person, the Commissioners shall Proceed thereupon to admit him,
as fully to all Intents as if that he had been Examined and approved by themselves.
Provided also, and be it hereby enacted, that the Fees upon every approbation
and admission, be only thirteen Shillings and four pence; that is,
to the Register, six shillings eight pence only; and the Other six shillings eight
penoe to be disposed of for the defraying of incident charges, as the said
Commissioners or any five of them Shall appoint.
And be it further enacted and ordained, that such Persons or any five or
more or them that the Commissioners in this Act named from time to time according
to the the Instructions mentioned in this Act, shall nominate and appoint
in the respective Counties of England and Wales for the approving of
Preaching Ministers unto livings, with cure and Lectures in their respective
Counties, shall from time to time have power and Authority, and are here
by authorized to Ordain Preaching Ministers in their respective Connties, according
to the form and directions of an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons
in Parliament assembled of the 29 of August, 1648. Intituled, The Form
of Church Government to be used in England and Ireland, so as such persons,
nominated as aforesaid, be ordained Ministers, And be it further enacted
and ordained, that the publick professors of divinity, and the divinity lectures
and the heads of the houses respectively, in the respective Vniversities of Oxford
and Cambridge, or any five or more of them, being Ministers ordained, shall
from time to time have power and authority, and are hereby authorized to
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