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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

The Protestant Deputies shew a willingness to provide some
remedy for mediating an Accommodation betwixt the Elector
of Brandenburgh and the Crown of Sweden.
His Majesty of Sweden hath sent (as is said) to the Town of
Dantzick, to demand a supply of Moneys, with an Oath of
fidelity to him, and for assurance, to have the Fort of Weschei
munde put into his hands.
From Paris, January 8. S:N:
We have little here to write of, either as to matter of design
or action; and therefore you must be content with matters
of the smallest importance, as the ordinary passages of the
Court, &c.
Upon the first of the instant month, the King being adorned
with the great Collar of the Order, and being attended
by Monsieur his brother, with a great number of Knights
habited in the same manner, who performed their accustomed
Devotions in the Chappel of Bourbon. And from
thence, his Majesty went into the grand Gallery of the Louvre,
to touch about 600 persons diseased of the Kingsevill, with
the wonted ceremonies, in which Action Cardinall Antonio
performed the office of grand Almoner of France. We
hear not of any thing as yet done by this Antonio, in order to
the generall peace, beside the naming of the Plenipotentiaries
that are to goe from this Crown, to meet the Plenipotentiaries
of other Princes at Bologne in Italy. And that is the
great affair, of whose event we are now in expectation: But
its supposed, and not without reason, will take up some time
more than ordinary.
On the second instant, the Deputies of the Corporation of
this City came and performed their Civilities to the Duke of
Modena, by the mouth of the Sieur de Seve Provost of Merchants;
after which they Treated this Prince with a Banquet
of Sweet-meats, and had many Torches of white Wax to
light him home with no small State and Ceremony.
On the third, the said Duke was in a very magnificent manner
entertained at Supper by the Marshall of Grammont, together
with the Dukes of Guise, Amville, and divers other
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