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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

are to meet on Monday next at two of the
Clock in the afternoon at Whitehall, in the Room
formerly called the Queens Guard-Chamber, to
the end some particulars may be communicated to
them in reference to that business.
Also that John Ireton Alderman of the City of
London, William Purefoy, and Godfrey Bosvile Esquires,
be added to the Committee for Trade.
From Milan, December 15
Our Governor the Marquis of Caracene, went
hence the 9. instant for Pavia, whither he is gone
to visit the new Fortifications. And after he hath
given Orders requisite for the finishing of them,
he intends to pass to Cremona upon the same occasion.
In the mean time, our Troops which were
at Castelnovo de Scrivia are come into Vercellois,
there to be Reformed, and then to take up Winter
quarters, after that the French Army is gone
into theirs.
The Duke of Mantua is returned to Casall, where
on the 10 instant, there arived Prince Palatine Edward,
who came thither from France, having been
sent from that Court to the said Duke.
From Genoa, December 22.
On the 20 instant, two Dutch Vessels arrived
here from Cadiz in Spain, who advise, that Order
was come thither from Madrid, requiring them
with all diligence to equipp what number of men
of war they can, both in that Port, and at St Lucar,
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