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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

From Dantzick December 21.
The City of Elbing hath lately, without any
resistance yeilded to the Swedes, and the King is
entred it, which gives occasion to many of great
amazement and disappointment, That City having
made a shew of preparing for their defence.
The Swedish Agents have at last prevailed, and it
seems that in this Warr Mercury hath a greater influence
then Mars. The danger at our door hath
made our Magistrate to resolve to joyn with the
Elector of Brandenburgh, trusting in God and
our Friends, and resolving to make use of all lawfull
means for the defence of our Liberty. One
of our Lutheran Preachers having lately, in a Sermon
before our chief Magistrate, declared, that
bearing already two Crosses in their Armes, they
should look for the third which the Swedes do bear
in their Standard.
From Vienna, December 18.
The Lord Bielcke, Swedish Ambassador, is departed
lately from hence; and the last Sunday
the Emperor sent the Earl of Harrach into Bavaria
to wait upon the Electrice of Bavaria, who is
expected here the 20. of this month. This day
the Swedish Resident did make a Protestation in
his Masters name to his Imperiall Majesty, That
upon the flocking of many Polanders into Silesia,
if any evill should follow, it cannot be laid upon
the Swedes, who do use those of that Nation that
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