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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

do submit with all good respect and civility; and
therefore the Emperor is to look to it, whereupon
his Majesty hath sent a Trumpet thither. Two
days ago, about Four of the Clock, there hapned
here a great thunder and lightnings, with a strong
Wind; and those that were then abroad, doe report
they felt like an Earthquake, and saw Sparks
of fire falling from the Sky; and after the storm
was over and the Sky was clear again, there appeared
in the Firmament an extraordinary great
bright Starr running from the East into the North,
and after over this Country; what this doth prognosticate
time will shew.
From Stett in, December 18.
The report which went on Saturday last, that
the City of Elbing was Surrendred unto his Majesty
of Sweden, is fully confirmed to day in this
manner; that after his Majesty had given Audience
unto the Imperiall and Transylvanian Ambassadors,
with others, in the City of Thorn, he
went from thence, passing through Frystadt, Rosenburgh,
Preusmark, towards the town of Margenfeldt,
where the Deputies from Elbing attended
him, humbly craving some dilation of time to
consult the better in such a weighty affair with the
rest of the Cities; which not being granted by his
Majesty but flatly denied, they entred into treaty
with my Lord Ryx chancellor the Ninth of this
month; who did so happily proceed herein, that
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