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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

the agreement of submission did much satisfie his
Majesty; whereupon this Majesty did invest my
Lord Ryxchancellor Governor of Prussia, and
Generall Linde Governour of Elbing, and of the
Militia of Prussia, ordering that he should take
the same City to his Majesties devotion and place
a considerable Garison there, which was also done
the 12 of this instant at three of the Clock in the
afternoon. His Majesty hath taken his march in
the mean time with the body of the Army toward
Ermlandt and Melsack, and so further towards the
Ducall Prussia
From Paris, January 12. stilo novo.
It is sad News at Rome, to hear of the Peace made
betwixt this Crown and England, the Popes main
Design in the end of a generall Peace being, so to
piece up all the Interests of the Sons of the Church
as to combine them together, for the carrying on
of one Common work against the Protestant cause
and Princes, whole uniting the Jesuites doe abundantly
fear, and think the main Wheel that moves
all the rest is in England.
The certainty of the aforesaid Peace betwixt
this Realm and the Protector, was first communicated
to his Holiness by Monsieur de Lyonne, Ambassador
of France in the Court of Rome, who also
imparted to him the urgent Reasons that obliged
us to hasten the Accord, amongst which, one was,
that it concerned us thereby to prevent Spain, and
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