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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

to confer with the Lords States, and consider what best Council
is to be taken in this great extremity, wherein that place of
so great concernment is at this present. We are informed that
they have also sent their Agents to Copenhagen, to take some
resolution against the Swedes successes, where many States
have a great Interest, and chiefly this, who hath found it convenient
to send severall Ambassadors abroad concerning that
The Princess Royal of Orange it to begin her journey into
France the next week, her Baggage being already sent to
Rotterdam to be there shipped for Rouen. We hear that
the Earl of Donaw is to repair suddenly to the Elector of
Brandenburg to command his Infantry.
From the Rhinestream; December 31.
The Emperor has sent to the K. of France and other Princes
and States, to engage them to a Catholick League against the
Swedes, who seem to aim, as he faith, at his Scepter, being confident
that if they can be Masters of Dantzick, they shall force
Denmark and Holland to acknowledge them for soveraigns of
the East Sea, and may transport such Forces into the Empire
as they pleas. These are the fears of the Imperial Popish party.
Whitehall, January 4,
New persons were ordered by his Highnes and the Council
to the Committe to whom the busines touching the Collections
for the Protestants of Piedmont is referred,
The same day, we had a confirmation of former letters reporting
the miserable condition of those poor Christian, who
being by the conclusion of the Treaty made with the Duke
of Savoy, reprieved only from present ruine, to die a lingring
death, are now left (for the most part) to the miseries of hunger
and cold, many having been starved, and others constrained
to quit their antient estates and dwellings, and wander
up and down to seek their bread in desolate places. And
as concerning those few who are permitted to enjoy a livelyhood,
it is upon such terms, that they are in perpetuall fear of
having their Throats cut, because their adversaries being
egg'd on by the Rabble of Monks, Priests, and Friers, doe
but wait an opportunity to fall in upon them. In the mean
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