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Mercurius politicus, Number 291, 3rd-10th January 1656 E.491[13]

time, they force away their children from them, and make
them defray the charge of their education under monkish
Tutors; they deprive them of their Churches, which have of
old ever belong'd to the Reformed Professors, and impose
what they please, on any Terms whatsoever, upon them; so
so that its evident the Romish designe is to tire and root them
out of the land of their nativity; which they will assuredly
doe, unless the Lord the pleased some way or other to work
January 5. From Cadiz it was certified, that they have for
this year given over expecting any more of their Gallions to
come home with Silver, so that the Spanish King and the Merchants
interessed in the Plate fleet, wil both be put to necessity
in the carrying on of their Affairs. That most of their ships
are there in such condition, that they must be new trimmed
and fitted ere they can goe out for service. That Orders had
bin sent some while since from the Court of Spain, for the
equipping of them with all possible expedition; but as yet little
is done to forward the work only care is taken to secure the
Town by new Works of Fortification, for fear of the English.
That its conceived the King will be forced to borrow of the
Churches and his Clergy, if he goe on with the warr, and can
gain no supply from the West Indies.
That the main hope lies in the possibility of procuring a
Peace betwixt the two Crowns, of which they are made to
beleeve great matters by the Popes Nuntio, who resides in the
Court of Madrid. That the Plenipotentiaries, who are to
go into Italy shortly, to treat with the Plenepotentiaries of
other Prince, about that Affair; And that if any difficulty
shall arise in the managing of that Negotiation, then his Holyness
(rather then fail) will go himself in person, and interpose
his Prudence and Authority, to procure a right understanding.
January 7.
The Committee appointed to take care of the collections
made for reliefe of the Protestants of the Valleys, together
with those persons of honor that are newly added to them
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