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Mercurius politicus, Number 292, 10th-17th January 1655 E.491[15]

leave of the Councell, or Commander in chiefe. The
People are very quiet; what disturbance was mediated and
in contrivance, was among Male Contents of Higher
An Order and Declaration of his Highness Council in Scotland
For the Government thereof: For Prohibiting any Families
Persons, or Goods to be transported for Ireland, without
leave first had from the Council, or the Commander in chief
of the Forces in Scotland.
THe Council having had under consideration, the many
Prejudices which do, or may arise by Persons Removing
themselves, their Families and Goods from this Nation to Ireland,
do Order and Declare, that no Persons shall, or may
after Publication hereof, remove or transport themselves,
Families, or Goods from any part of this Nation into Ireland
without Leave and Licence first had from the Council, or
Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland; Whereof all
Persons concerned, are to take notice, as they will answer the
contrary upon their perils. And in case the Commander, Owner,
or Master of any Ship, Barque or Vessel, shall presume
contrary to this Order and Declaration, to transport for Ireland,
or receive aboard any Person in order to his Transportation,
not having such Licence, as aforesaid, such Commander
Owner, or Master of such Ship, Barque or Vessel wherein such
Person is received, with the Tackle and apparel thereunto belonging,
but also such further Punishment as shall be thought
f[unr]t by the Council to be inflicted for that offence. And in case
any Person or Persons shall make discovery of any Commander
Master or Owner of any Ship, Barque, or Vessel, wherein
any Person or Persons are transported or Received aboard,
without Licence, as aforesaid; the council do hereby Order
and Declare, that the person who discovers such Contemners
of this order and Declaration, shall have one Moytie of the
Proceed of the Ship, Barque or Vessel, Tackle, and Apparel
so forfeited: And the Council do hereby Authorize and require
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