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Mercurius politicus, Number 292, 10th-17th January 1655 E.491[15]

the Justices of his Highness Peace, and Governours of
the Garrisons respectively in Scotland, to take care for gaining
Discoveries of any persons who shall do contrary to this Order
and Declaration, and to proceed according to the true intent
and meaning thereof, by securing the persons offending, making
stay of, adjudging forfeited, and selling their ships, Barques
or Vessels, respectively, with their Tackle and Apparel, as also
by giving one half of the proceed thereof to the Discoverer of
the Contempt, securing the other half for his Highness use, and
representing to the Council from time to time their proceedings
in the Premises, with the causes thereof. And this present
Order and Declaration is to continue of force, until the first of
August, One thousand six hundred fifty six.
Given at Edinburgh, the seventh day of January, 1656.
Signed in the Name, and by Order of the Council.
BROGHILL, President
Copia Liter arum Cæsarearum Regi Suecia.
Redditæ nobis fuere à Consiliario serenitatis vestræ in Aula
nostrâ Residente, Literæ ejusdem duodecimo Octobr. proxime
præterlapsi, Casimira adCracoviam datæ, simulque quæ in
rem erant, ab eodem cum vivâ voce tum scripto exposita.
Cùm igitur constitutum nobis sit mentis super iis nostræ sensum,
per personam propediem ablegandam, serenitati vestræ
uberiùs explicare, benevole eidem de hac re hisce in ante essum
significare voluimus; cæterùm affectum benevolentiæ nostræ
Cæsareæ eidem serenitati vestræ amicè confirmantes, simúlque
omnis sælicitatis cumulum ex animo voventes. Datum
in civitate nostrâ Viennæ, Die 16. Novembris. Anno. 1655.
In English thus.
A Copie of the Emperors Letter to the King of Sweden.
We have by the hands of your Conseller Residing in our
Court, received your Majesties Letters, dated at Casimir
near Cracovia, the 12 of October last past; yea and all the
Particulars which concerned the busines, he did both by word
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