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Mercurius politicus, Number 294, 24th-31st January 1656 E.491[19]

Numb. 294.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Foreine Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on Foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
------It à vertere Seria {Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday January 24: to Thursday January 31. 1655.
From on board the Nightingale-Frigat in Plymouth Sound,
January 22.
SInce our Depature from Plymouth, we
have been in the Bay of Biscay, there
ranging to and again, to the securing of
severall Merchant-men bound to and from
France. Vpon the third instant, our Capt.
espied 2 Bifcainers men of warr, one of 16
another of 12 Guns, at an anchor under
the Cardinals (their usuall and accustomed place of Rendezvous.)
He plyed up to them; they weighed and stood to and
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