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Mercurius politicus, Number 294, 24th-31st January 1656 E.491[19]

From Rome, January, 2.
On the 24 of the last moneth the Vespers of Christmas
day were solemnised by the Pope, in the Chappel of the Vatican,
where all the Cardinals were entertained with a sumptuous
Collation of sweetmeats, at which time divers swords
were consecrated, which the severaign Bishops of Rome are
wont to keep upon Occasion, to send them to such Princes as
war against Insidels:
The next day, his holines was carried in his Pontificall
Throne upon mens shoulders, in great pomp, to St. Peters
Church, where he was expected by Queen Christina of Sweden
at which time he Bishoped her, calling her Christina Maria
Alexandra, in token of her Confirmation, after which, she
went to the Church of St. Mary the greater, to visit the Cratch
or Cradle (as they call it) of Our Saviour. All the Other
Ceremonies I sent you formerly at large.
On the 29, she went to visit the Church of St. John de Lateran,
attended by many great personages, and among the
rest, by don Piementelli, formerly Ambassador with hot in
Sweden for the King of Spain, and the man that is thought to
have seduced her to this fit of rambling besides, there was Don
Antonio de la Queva, master of her houshold, whose wife is
her chief Lady of honor.
Upon the so, it being the holy day of the Translation of
the body of St. James, the Princess was received by the Duke
of Terra nova Ambassador of Spaine at the Church dore
which was richly hung with Tapistry.
While this Queen was at the Chappel of our Lady of Loretto
she offered up there a Crown and Scepter of Gold, upon which
Crown were 368 good Diamonds and a 160 Rubies of great
The Pope hath given order for the repairing of the gate
called Del[unr]Popole: which is to be done with marble-stones,
and this Motto or Inscription is to be set over the said gate,
Fœlici Faustoq; inggressui &c.
The Lord Francesco de Souza, Ambassador of Portugall,
expects every day to get his first pnblique Audience, of which
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