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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

Numb. 300.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Foreine Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on Foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
------It à vertere seria}
Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday March 6: to Thursday March 13. 1655.
IN the first place, take a brief Relation of one of the
most ridiculous pieces of Cruelty that (I believe) was
ever heard of in the world; as it came in the following
Letter form Hamburgh.
From Hamburgh, Febr. 26. S. V.
THe last Week severall waggoners coming from Breslaw
in Silesia, upon their way in the Duke of Saxonies
Countrey, perceived a Stag with a man upon his back, running
with all his might; coming near the Waggons, he suddenly
fell down: the Waggoners drawing nigh him, the poor
man sitting on his back, made pitifull complaint how that the
day before he was by the Duke of Saxony for killing a Dear,
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