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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

The same day, his Majesty having had some daies of exercise
in hunting at St. German on Laye, returned hither with
the Cardinall in the Evening. The hunting was pretended at
St. German, but the main reason of the Kings going thither
was, to repose himself, and take som leasure and advice with
the Cardinall, what answer to give to an Envoye sent from the
Pope about the business of the generall Peace, pressing his
Majesty to a positive Answer, because the King of Spain hath
on his part been very forward to come to some Conclusion about
it. But it is not known yet what Answer is resolved upon
by the King, to be sent to his Holiness.
The night of the same day that the King returned from St.
German, the Marquis of Nivette, who was one of his Followers,
was set upon in his Coach at his returne from the Lovure,
as he was passing over the new Bridg about twelve a
clock at night where he was unhappily assassinated, and left
for dead; which Fact is supposed to have been done by some
of his Enemies at Court.
On the 8 instant, the 5 Councellers of Parlament which
were last exiled by the King, were expected back in this City,
his Majesty having sent Letters of Cachet, whereby he signified,
that he had granted them their liberty to returne, and
take their places again in Parlement.
The same day, the companies of the Regiment of Guards
had order given them to be ready, upon the first Beat of Drum
to march towards La Fere in Picardie, the King having received
Intelligence that the Enemies were drawn out with intent
to besiege the Garrison of Conde; and it is conceived, the King
and the whole Court will shortly follow.
The same day, the Masters and Wardens of the six corporations
of Merchants were sent for by the Cardinall. But
for what Cause, is not known.
But the same day in the Evening, a Letter of Cachet was
issued out by the Chiefe Secretary the Sieur De Guenegaud
one of the four Secretaries of State, and sent to the chiefe
Council of this City, requiring and commanding all the
Judges and Consuls to enter in their Register-Books the Arrest
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