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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

of the Council of State concerning the new Coyne. The like
Command was issued out to them of the Town-house of this
City, because of a refusall by them made to enter it in their
The Dutchess Dowager of Guise lately deceased hath left
by will to the Duke of Guise her son, 60000 li. yearly rent,
40000 to Madamoiselle eldest daughter by the first wife to
his Highness Royall the Duke of Orleans, and the remainder
to Madamo selle de Guise, viz. all personall estate, except
only her chains of Pearle, which are to be shared equally by
these two princesses. And Madamoiselle de Guise is to have
the Tuition of the Young Duke of Joyeuse; her Nephew.
The Duke of Harcourt is preparing to return into his Government
of Alsatia. Here hath lately been great talk of
his being sent to command the Forces in Italy under the
Duke of Modena, and upon that account (it seems) an Offer
was made him. But this the Count refused making Answer that
having had the honor to command as Generalissimo in all the
Armies wherein he had done Service for the King, he would
by no means yield now to be under the Command of any person.
Here was a Rumor flying, that the Catholick Switzers
intended to chuse him for their Generall; but it comes to nothing.
Yesterday, being the n[unr]n[unr]h instant, there was a generall
Muster made of the Kings Regiment of Guards, both French
and Switzers, in the Wood of Bologne.
From Vienna, February 20
Her Majesty the Empress went yesterday to bring the Electores
of Bavaria and her son (who have been a while in this
Court) on their way homeward, and they were conducted by
two new Regiments that have been raised by the late Commissions.
It is thought now that the Emperor hath above 40000
men quarterd up and down his Dominions, which he holds
in pay, although as yet there appear no visible designe, nor
declared Enemy. But it is said, the King of Spain is to have
a good part of them to serve him in [unr]landers and Italy, in both
which places the French King intends to be very strong this
next Campagne.
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