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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

in good posture, and resolute to fall to action.
Above 200 Officers and Citizens of Bern have intreated
their Excellencies to give them leave to be
revenged of the affront received at Willmerguen. It
is thought we shall suddenly try our Enemies;
which design we pray God to prosper.
From Truberschlach, Febr 26. S. V.
The 24 at night came here Col. Lerber with 70
horse and 3 Companies of Foot, and the next day
he removed from hence with his own forces, and
those that were here already, and marched toward
the County of Entlibuch belonging to Lucern, upon
the way of Wissenbach; there hee attempted
the Fort on both the sides, and carryed the said
Wissenbach without losing one man, and burn it.
Then hee came to the Fort of Beibruben towards
Aseblimas, and took it also without great resistance.
Then marching to Marbach he took it likewise;
and afterwards joyned with the Forces from
Tschangnaw. He quartered then with his Forces,
which are 3600 men in the said Marbach, and the
Enemy having begun wholly to plunder Tschangnaw,
they intend to do the like unto them and to
be revenged for their losses.
At Edenburgh, 22 of February 1656.
The Comittee appointed by the Commissioners of the
shire of Edinburgh, who are Commissionate by vertue of an
Order and Declaration of his Highness Councell in Scotland
for the Government thereof, for the more equall raising the
Asessment bearing date the 21 of December 1655. Being
desirous faithfullie impartially to goe about the discharge
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