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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

of that trust committed to them in prosecuting their Commission
and instructions relating thereunto, Have found it absolutely
necessarie that there shall be a new valuation of the
whole rents within the said shire both certain and casuall of all
sorts, and that notwithstanding of anie former valuation hath
been made heretofore, and for the more speedie. Effectuating
thereof, The whole Heritors Liferenters Woodsetters and
others persons whatsoever liable in payment of sess within the
parish of are hereby required to make their appearance
before the said Committee at Edinburgh in the Judg advocates
Lodging at the foot of Grays Close upon the
day of March next in the forenoon, And to bring with them
a perfect true and particular rentall in fair writing under their
hands of the whole rents belonging unto them and everie one
of them within the said parish, as they payed and were worth
for the Crop 1655, wherein is to be expressed the names and
designations for the severall Land, and whether the same be
occupied by themselves or sett to Tenants, The quantitie
and qualitie of the rents, how much thereof is money rent
and how much victuall rent, with the severall species of the
same, and what deductions is payed out of the said [unr]ands of
Few duties, Temde duties, or other duties whatsoever and to
whom the same are payable, and what mortified rents are payable
out of the said Lands to the poor, to Hospitalls, to Ministers,
Readers or Schoolmasters, to Universities or Colledges,
and to bring in the severall instructions of the severall
respective deductions otherwise not to be alowed, and to be
readie to give their oathes upon the veritie of the whole premisses
if desired. With certification to these who shall happen
to faile, That the said Commissioners will close the valuations
of their Lands at the highest rate they shall be found to
have payed at any time heretofore, or what otherwise they
shall find them justlie to be worth, and they shall never be
h[unr]ard to object against the same hereafter, besides their
names shall be given into his Highness Councell, That they
may be taken notice of as persons disobedient to their Authority,
To be dealt with as the said Councell shall think
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