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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

something discontented, as some suppose,
but Ordered to raise 2000 men for Sweden
Both the Brandenburgh Major-Generals Dorsling
and Goets doe still continue their Levies in these
From Basil, Febr. 25.
Wee have still good hopes that the Treaties in
Switzerland will take effect, in regard there are
some of the Articles already agreed upon, and the
rest referred to the decision of the four Neutrall
Cantons. Those of Zurick have taken the Castle
Arben, situated upon the Bodensea not far from St
From Weenen, Febr. 22
The Emperor doth still cause great Levies to be
made, and the Frontier places in Moravia are provided
with Ammunition and provisions. The
Journey of the Emperor to Prague is stil deferred;
and he hath granted Commissions for twelve Regiments
From Breslauw, Febr. 24
The King of Poland hath not above 14000 men
together, and there is little hope of assistance to be
expected for him from the Tartars or Cossacks, who
are very much disunited among themselves.
From Cullen, March 7
Charls Stuart is still here, and hath received an
Express from Brussels, to invite him thither; so
that it is conceived his abode will not be much
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