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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

longer here. The French do raise men hore underhand;
the Papists doe bestir themselves in all
From Warsovia, Febr, 15
One Artiscbouskie with 130 horse hath defeated
1400 Quartianers by a stratagem; 400 were killed
upon the place, and the rest taken and fled.
From the Hague, March 10
We doe understand here from Antwerp, That
the Archduke Leopold, and the Earl of Fuenfaldagne
are to depart shortly out of the Netherlands;
the first goeth to the Emperor, and it is presumed
that he will be chosen King of the Romans, in regard
the Emperors Son is yet very young; and that
Don John of Austria is to succeed him in his place;
The second goeth for Milan, to Officiate in the
place of the Marquis of Caracene, who is expected
in the Spanish Netherlands
The foure Lords Ambassadors designed to the
King of Sweden, departed from hence yesterday
for Amsterdam, to pursue their Journey to the said
From Paris, March 15
They are still employed in this Court with all
manner of delights; the Lord Chancellour lately
Feasted the King and the great persons of the
Court, where was also present the Princess Royal,
to whom is more honor done then was ever to the
Dutchess of Orleans: In the mean time the preparations
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