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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

for War are not neglected, but all things
necessary and requisite for a Campagne are a preparing.
Monsieur de Bordeaux (being presented with
the Order of the King for the illustrating of his
person, is preparing for his departure with his Family
for England) there to reside as ordinary Ambassador
of this Crown.
They write from Switzerland, that there is
good hopes of an Accommodation between the
Protestant and Popish Cantons; for which end
the Ambassador of France Monsieur de la Barde;
together with the four Neutrall Cantons, Basill,
Friburgh, Soleurrs, and Schuffbuysen doe use great
A Book of Exchanging Books betwixt Book-sellers
was lost betwixt Westminster and Grays-Inn,
about a Month since. The Finder of the Book
that brings word to Matthew Walbanck at Grayes-Inn
gue, shall have Ten shillings.
An Advertisement of Books newly published.
There is now reprinted that useful Book entituled, Plain Scripture
proof of Infant-Church-membership and Baptism: Being the whole
Arguments at the publike Dispute with Mr. Tombes at Bewaly; and
Answers to his Sermon upon 1 Cor. 7. 14. with all the Letters by
Messengers, and his calling for Answers in Pulpit and in Print; with
many things relating to Mr. Bedford, Dr. Ward, and others upon the
said Subjects. By Mr. Richard Baxter of Kiderminster. Printed
for John wright at the Kings head in the Old-Baily.
An Exposition on the fourth Chapter of the second Epistle to the Corinthians,
4° . by the R[unr]end Dr. Sibbs, distinct from that printed
formerly. Sold by John Rothwel, at the Fountain and Bear in Cheapside.
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