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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

An extract of such things as are most remarkable in
the last Will and Testament of Godfrey Goodman,
late bishop of Glocester, who died lately, and was buryed
at Westminster; the particulars being very Observable,
not only for his dying a Papist, but for divers
other Crotchets therein contained.
IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the holy Ghost, out Creator, our Redeemer,
our Sanctifier, Three persons and one God, Ainen,
This 17, of January, in the year of our Lord God,
1655. I Godfrey Goodman Bishop late of Glocester,
being weak in Body, but of perfect memory
and understanding (I praise God for it) doe here
make & declare this my last Will and Testament.
And first I give and bequeath my weak and sinfull
Soul to God, hoping by his Merits, and by the
death and passion of my deare Lord and Saviour
Christ Jesus, dying a member of his Church, that
he will take me into the number of his Elect. Tho
my sins are great, yet the mercies of God are greater;
and I do humbly thank God that he hath given
me a penitent and a contrite heart, as an earnest of
my Repentance and Reconciliation to himself.
(And here I do profess, that as I have lived, so I dye
most constant in all the Articles of our Christian faith,
and in all the Doctrine of Gods holy Catholick and
Apostolick Church, whereof I doe acknowledge the
Church of Rome to be the Mother Church, And I doe
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