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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

verily believe, that no other Church hath any salvation
in it, but only so far as it concurs with the Faith
of the Church of Rome.)
And for my Body, I doe leave it to Christian
buriall in the parish Church of St Margarets Westminster,
near the Font (where wee receive our Baptism,
and are initiated into Gods Church) in the
meanest maner, according to the deserts of my sins.
I doe give to him that hath the Cure of Souls in
this parish, in lieu of any Tythes, Oblations, Offerings,
and other Church duties due unto him by
the Laws of God and of the Church, the summe of
twenty shillings.
Item, I desire, that my Executor should give toward
the adorning of the Font, either by way of
Painting or otherwise, as the Churchwardens shall
think fit, the sum of twenty shillings. And I doe
humbly thank God for the benefit of my Baptism.
Item, I do give my Tenement in Yale,and the 2,
Tenements in Caernarvenshire, Cordmaur and Tu-Due
to the town of Rutbin in Denbighshire, where
I was born; the Tenements are purchased in the
names of others in trust, and are to be disposed of
by the Lords Bishops of Bangor and St Asaph, when
it shall please God that they shall be restored, &c.
The Rent of this tenement in Yale is bequeathed
to severall Uses; and amongst the rest, for one
twenty pounds of it, I desire that choice may bee
made of some Gentleman who shall desire to travel
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