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Mercurius politicus, Number 300, 6th-13th March 1656 E.492[14]

and that he together with good security, shall undertake within
the compass of two years, to live two months in Germany,
two months in Italy, two months in France, and two months
in Spain. I desire that mine own kindred may be chosen before
others, or such as have had their breeding in the School of
Ruthin, or such as have been born in Denbigshire, and for want
of those, such as have been born within the principality of
Wales, and that the house of Tallacre in Flintshire may be
preferred before others. And in the-choice of the Gentleman,
I desire that no relation should be had to his poverty, but pulchrior,
Ditior, Nobilior, cater is paribus anteferendus.
I doe give all the wood there now, or that hereafter shall
grow there, (except the necessary Timber to be used about
the ground of houses) toward the repairing or building of
Churches within that County.
Item, having reposed Trust in Mrs. Sibilla Aglionby; I
leave to her five pounds; I give her the Bed and Blankets
which I have in her house. Item, I leave her a Box with a
Key, which I desire may not be opened; and if I have any other
small thing in her house. I doe freely give them to her, in
hope and confidence that she will discharge that trust which I
have reposed in her. (she is a Papist, and what the Box conteined
in it, is not commonly known, but tis supposed there
were some Popish Trinkets.)
Item the Books which I intended for Chelsey Colledge,
the Colledge being now dissolved, I doe bestow them upon
Trinity-College in Cambridge; but with this Condition,
that if ever Chelsey-Colledge shall be restored, the Books
shall likewise bee restored.
Item, after all Church-duties and Funerall expences being
paid, I doe desire that what is left iu the house may be distributed
according to the direction of Gabriel Goodman my Executor,
among such as were ousted and sequestred of their
Benefices by that long and most unjust Parlament (God forgive
them and their Committees and Abettors) which will
be sixteen pounds. And whereas I am to receive some monies
upon Bond upon the sixth of May next, from Sir Bejamin
Aylisse, I desire that one hundred pounds thereof may be
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