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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

been totally overthrown, as all the Letters
out of Flanders; and those from Paris doe not
come much behinde in Report; a more large Account
whereof I expect by and by.
This day the Lords Commissioners of the great
Seal sitting at the Temple, the Writs of Sumons
for the Parliament passed the Seal, and from this
day they bear date; so that the time of Electing
fit persons to serv in Parliament being (according
to the tenor of the Government) to be the Wednesday
five Weeks after the date of the Writs, the
generall day of Election will fall out to be Wednesday
August 20. The Parliament it to meet at
Westminster on the 17 of September.
From Paris, July 14, stilo novo.
The last Letters from our Camp before Valenchienne
advise, that the work of the the Siege is like
to prove more tedious and difficult than was at
first imagined. The Enemy under Don John and
the Prince of Conde are very near ours, strongly intrenched;
Some of their German Recruits they
have already received, the rest they expect every
day, and assoon as they are joyned, it is believed
they will make some attempt on our Tren[unr]es, to
prevent the taking of the Town.
Here is a discourse, as if Christina Queen of Sweden
intended to make a journey from Rome to visit
this City. The Presents that are to go hence to the
King of Sweden, will now suddenly be sent away,
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