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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

the Messenger having received the Kings last Orders
to that purpose.
The Siege of Valentia in Italy, goeth on still,
notwithstanding the death of the Count of Broglio,
so that our men have quite perfected their
Lines of Circumvallation. The said Counts Government
of la Bassee is bestowed upon his brother
by the King; and his office of Lieut, Generall in
the Duke of Modena's Army, is conferred on the
Chevalier de Baradas.
We have news out of Bourgonge, that 7000 men
are passed through that Province, which came out
of Alsatia, being designed to joyn with our Army
before Valenchienno.
The Assembly of the Clergy are here very busy.
They on Wednesday last received a Letter from
the King, wherein his Majesty sets forth the practises
of Cardinal de Retz Archbishop of Paris, (now
residing at Rome) to trouble the peace of the Kingdom,
and complained that many of the Clergy of
Paris were corresponding with him in his Designs.
The Assembly appointed Friday last to deliberate
upon this Letter, and the same day they ordered
Deputies (of whom the Archbishop of Sens is
chief) to go to Court, and make complaint to the
King against the Protestants of the City of Montauban,
accusing them for heating a Priest, and making
a tumult, to the breach of the Kings peace.
They were to complain likywise, that the Soldiers
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