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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

From Konigsberg in Prussia June 24.
The Treaty betwixt His Majesty the King of Sweden, and
the Pr. Elector of Brandenburg is concluded, and both Princes
did meet at the town called Holland in Prussia, passing
three dayes in a most amicable Conference. And being
resolved to joyn their Armies, the Count of Waldeck the
Princes chief Commander went last Sunday from hence to
the Army, and yesterday morning the Princes Artillery, about
34 goodly peeces of Cannon, with all their appurtenance
and 3000 foot were drawn out from hence into the field; His
Highness is resolved to follow within eight days, the march is
directed straight forwards into Massuren where the King of
Sweden intends to joyn with him, and to bring a new gallant
Army together. Warsovia is not taken, but timely releived
by the Royal Swedish Army, and King Casimir retreated in
great confusion; And as it is informed, the Poles being much
scattered may happen to change the work into another shape,
and lay the spirits of many level. There be likewise some Regiments
of the Princes gone towards [unr]aitan carrying eight
peeces of Ordnance with them.
From the Court of Spain, at Malrid, June. 18. S. N.
Here hath lately been a great Nuptiall Solemnity, the Lady
Antonia De Luna having been married to the Lord Diego
Velasev. That being over, the Kings Council sell to business,
and ordered a course for the speedy supplying of Den John
with money for the defence of Flanders, the French designe
being to press hard this summer for the Conquest of that
Order was taken for the sending of some men in the Springtime
for the West-Indies, to put the other places of [unr]
dominion there into a defensive posture, against the Attempts
of the English.
The News here from Gadiz is, that Generall Blake was
in the Bay with about 20 Saile, the [unr]rest of his Ships plying up
and down upon the Coas[unr].
From Vienna Jan 23.
The Emperor hath issued forth Commissions for the raising
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