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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

of ten new Regiments. His Army in Silesia hath
had a generall Rendezvouz, yet none knows whither
they are to march; but the Moscovite being
at this time upon his march, it makes many imagin
these two Emperors have some joynt designe, and
the Swedes are jealous where the storm may fall
In the mean time, his Imperiall Majesty hath dispatched
a Courrier hence into Poland; and Colonel
Seintzenberg is sent to the Prince of Transylvania,
the business with this latter being intended (as
is supposed) to engage him to stand Neutrall in
case any surprise be undertaken by the Emperour,
who himself is very much indisposed in health at
present, having a sharp sit of the Gout. His Brother
ther Archduke Leopold having had a long journey
out of Flanders, is but newly entred into the Emperors
territories; and tis conceived he will not be
here at Court before the 13 of July, against which
time a Comedy, and all other Ceremonies are preparing,
to express joy at his reception.
From Colen, July 4.
The Assembly of the Deputies of the Estates of
the Empire that convened at Franck fort is adjourned
till the month of September next, having sate
long to little purpose.
From the Hague, July 6.
It is now said here, that the States have taken a
Resolution to assist the Dantzickers. One Persevall,
and other excelent Engineers are gon thither.
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