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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

It is given out, that an Ambassador is to come hither
from the great Duke of Moscovie, who (they
say) is to make an Address, by the way, to the K.
of Denmark.
From the French Camp before Valentia in Italy
July 7. stilo novo:
On Tuesday here arived 18 pieces of Ordnance
which were brought from Casall, with ammunition,
and all other things answerable; so that wee
want nothing to carry on the siege.
On the 3 instant, the Trench was opened, and
the same day the Marquis Tobias Pollavicini was
slain by the shot of a Falconet.
The next day, the Marquis de Vallavoir attempted,
with 2 pieces of Cannon, to have forced the
Tower at the Gate; after severall Volleys of shot,
the besieged there making but faint resistance, he
possessed himself of a convenient place within Pistoll
shot of it. Wee doubt not to bee masters of
this City by the 25 instant, if succors do not come:
We have an unhappy loss of the Count of Broglio.
Mr de Sauvigny Governor of the Citadel of Turin
hath been sent for to assist in his stead in this grand
Enterprise. The Duke of Modena's Forces, who
are to joyn with us, are upon their march, but its
feared they will hardly get hither without fighting,
the Enemy having sent a greater number that
way to dispute their passage; For this purpose, they
have had a Randezvouz at Alexandria, They give
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