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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

out likewise, that they will attempt our Lines, but we are
making Palisadoes for defence, the better to receive them
upon occasion.
From Hamburgh, July 3.
Notwithstanding the great Rumours of the Muscovites intended
expedition against the Swedes, there is as yet no certainty
of the matter, only there is ground enough of jealousie;
and they are generally afraid of it in all the Swedish Quarters,
though the more prudent fort hope otherwise, supposing the
Moscovite will attempt nothing before he have some assurance
concerning the successe of King Casimir.
The Emperors Army in Silesia is in a ready posture for
some design, being upon the borders of Poland, but what
they intend is concealed. It was said the Emperors brother
Archduke Leopold, should have the command of them, but no
such matter; he is but newly got into Germany.
Most certain it is, that the King of Sweden, and the Elector
of Brandenburg have joyned forces to march together
towards Warsovia, making 18000 betwixt them, with which
they intend to unite with the Army under Prince Adolph the
Kings brother and Count Wrangel. King Casimir, upon the
repulses given him at Warsovia siege, is said to be retreated
two miles from the City with intent (as is beleeved) to come
on again. The French publike Minister who resided lately
in the Elector of Brandenburghs Court, to let King Casimir
have an account of what hath been done by the said Elector,
and thereupon to perswade him be times to think of Counsels
for procuring peace.
The Dane hath h[unr]therto thought it his Interest to keep
fair with the Swedes As yet he and the Hollanders are not
come to any conclusion. What may be hereafter, I know
From Coyre, June 24.
Our men are going on in the business of Stalla for the building
of a Church, which if the Papists offer to hinder there will be
some blows given, but it is thought they will sit still. The
Count Cazati the younger hath made a project that the Protestants
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