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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

should buy two houses and therewith make a great
Hall to preach therein, which would not be called a Temple
but a house, and so would give no scandall; threatning that if
we offer to do any novelties in building, it will License the King
of Spaine as being against the Capitulations so that it might
be a cause to have him order the turning out of the rest of the
Protestants of the Valtoline, since this building of new temples
might in time incourage those of the Valtoline to do the
like, which might cause the ruine of the Country. These are
his discourses. But in the capitulations it is expressly set down
that the Spaniards shall not medle with our affairs neither
Politick nor Eclesiastical; yet they observe nothing of that
but are still intermedling in our Commons to have confiding
men put to offices, and have all at their Devotion.
From Rome: July 1. 1656.
The Pope hath turned out his Confessor which was a Jesuit
saying he would have no longer those black Spirits about him,
Queen Coristina begins to be disgusted with Popery, seeking
all possible means to get out of Rome, having desired [unr] asses
by expresse Courriers of his Royal Highness the Duke of
Savoy, and of the King of France. We are here in great
fear of the Plague, which hath already broke out in severall
places of this City, which puts all the Town, the Pope and
the Cardinals in great confusion and terror of that judgement
of God. The same disease is very rise in Naples, wherein
few days 23000 dyed of it, above 1800 do daily dy there
which make the town every desolate. The conspiration against
the Portugall Ambassador lately discovered doth make great,
From Venice June 23.
Last week the Senator and Lord Bertruci Valliero Knight
was elected new Doge of Venice, but being sick of the Gout
he could not assist to the Ceremonies. The Turks have again
taken 4 ships coming from Puglio laden with Oyle, and have
also taken a Galley belonging to the Republick of Genoa
The Pestilence continues very much in Naples in 3 severall
quarters. In one Parish only there dyed 150. in one day.
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