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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

to have united there with our Army; so that General. Tureine
hath an Army still 10000. strong: We are here at Paris very
earnestly expecting some further Account, in confirmation of
these Particulars.
An Advertisement of several Books newly published.
Glossographia: or, a Dictionary interpreting such hard Words,
Whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, Teuro[unr], Belg[unr],
British, or Saxon. as are now used in our refiued English rongu[unr]; also the
Terms of Divi[unr]ity, Law, Physick Mathe[unr]atick, Heraldry, Ana[unr]my, Wa[unr],
Musicks, Architecture; and of severall other Arts and [unr] explicated, with
Edmologies, Definitions, and historicall Observations on the same. By [unr] of
the Inner Temple [unr]atrest[unr]. Sold by Humphrey Moseley at the Prince; Arms
in St Pauls Churchyard, and George Sawbridge at the R[unr]ble on L[unr]dgate-[unr].
CXLV Expository Sermons upon the 17. of John, or, Christs
Prayer before his Passion, Explicated; end both Pract[unr] and Polemally improved.
By M. Anthony Bu[unr]ges; and are to be sold by The Underkil, at the Anch[unr] in
St. Pauls Church-yard.
A new Edition of Mr George Herbert Divine Poems The Temple; many of the
hidden Excellencies therein dispersed, being made casie to be sound by the help
of an Alphabeticall Table now added. Sold by Philemon Stephens at the gilded
Lion in St Pauls Churchyard.
A Brown old bay Nag, being about 15 handfuls high and strong sets
having no white on him but under the Saddle near the Wither, with
a black Mane and a black Tail, stoln out of a ground next the high Road
to Bagshot, about a Mile and a half beyond Egham. If any can bright
Tidings where he is, to the George in Drury-lane, they shall be thank-fully
From DantZick July 5. 1656.
The King of Sweden and Prince Elector of Brandenburgh,
are joyned in an offensive ad defensive league; the Muscovite
Ambassador is dispatched away from Marsenberg, without
content; the Brandenburgh furnish[unr]th the Swede with 8000.
armed men, with whom his forces joyn, and are marched for
Warsovia; from whence came letters yesterday from the King
of Poland to this Town, that he lay again before it, and encompassed
it about with 70000 men, but most unarmed, and
when he hath taken it, he faith he will send this Town assistance
and relief; but the King of Sweden being marched again to relieve
Warsovia, expect to bear of action and what the effects of
those things will be: Letters out Curland yesterday dated
the second instant say; the Muscovite is fallen into [unr]and
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