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Mercurius politicus, Number 318, 10th-17th July 1656 E.494[13]

was a means also to intercept all commerce [unr] he
bodies of our Army, so that all La Fortes Canoon, P[unr]gguar,
and all that belonged to him was taken. Marshal Turein having
been forced to stand all the while a Spectator, at length
drew off all his entire (being about 12000) in good Order,
to Ques[unr]y, a garrison of about two Leagues distant from
Valenchienne, where the next morning came to him between
6 and 7000 Recruits who more had than way thinking
to have united with him at the Siege.
From Kingsale in Ireland, July 3.
The Recovery of Bristoll, which is new in Baltimore here in
Ireland, Mr John Bricks Commander, where she arrived the
29 of June last, having met the day before with a Frigat of
the Enemies, the St James of Pass[unr]ags [unr] Bisa[unr], formerly belonging
to Brest of 1[unr] Guns, 75 men, Capt Christoph: D[unr]wdall
Commander, which had taken may of out Vessels any
time this four Years, clapt them aboard, so that the Seamen
of the said ship betaking themselves to their close Fights between
Decks, leaving about ten Planters, who putting thereselves
under the command of Captain Philip Carpenter a
Passenger in the said Ship, behaved themselves[unr] well, that
after an hour and halfs dispute at handy blows and small [unr]or,
having killed their best men, they called for Quarter, and
brought them into that Port. This Conquest is wholly imputed
to Capt. Carpenter, who killed the Captain, and hurt
his Lieutenant, and another Gentleman, one Dowdall, who
supplyed the Captains place, yet though this fight was with
much hazard maintained by Captain Carpenter and the rest,
not one of the Seamen would appear upon Deck. This is the
same Captain Carpenter that commanded a Troop of Horse
at Hispaniola, who gained much honor and credit, though
many other lost theirs.
From the Rhinestream, July 7.
Yesterday at Colon, severall Families of the Reformed Religion
were distrained, because after 3. Summons they refused
to pay their Fine for not strowing Flowers before their Houses
on the Sacrament day when the Host was carryed through the
street; which has not bin exacted these 30 years:
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