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Mercurius politicus, Number 320, 24th-31st July 1656 E.494[17]

windows throughout this City, and done so much
hurt here and abroad, that 5000 l will hardly repair
the Dammage done here and in the Country
here about. The Corn in the field hath been so
beaten and smitten, that some Closes worth a hundred
pounds a little before, are worth now not
Forty shillings, or hardly any thing at all.
From Vienna, July 7
The Emperor hath dispatched hence the Baron
of Vigancour, to give an Answer to the King of
France, with the ordinary Civilities, and amongst
other things to declare, that he will punctually observe
the treaty of Munster in all particulars.
Archduke Leopold hath been here incognito to
visit his brother the Emperor, but is since retired,
being to have a solemne reception and entertainment
here at Court.
The Queen of Poland some time since departed
from Glogaw in Silesia, attended by the Archbishop
of Guesne, having some Forces which expect
her on the borders of Poland, which (it was said)
were designed for the besieging of Cracovia.
Here is arrived an Ambassadour from Tartary.
There seems to bee a right understanding between
the great Duke of Moscovia and the King of Poland,
and Commissioners on both sides are to meet
at Vilna, which meeting will (its believed) produce
no good to the Swede.
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