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Mercurius politicus, Number 320, 24th-31st July 1656 E.494[17]

From the Hague, July 20
It is commonly reported here, that a resolution
is taken to succour the City of Dantzick; that
in the mean time, the Fleet of this State Shall[unr]
before the Pilaw, to hinder the coming out of the
Swedish Men of War in that Port. They ass[unr]
likewise, that the Dane and our Superiours understand
one another, as to the point of providing
that the Swede doe not grow too potent in or near
the Baltick Seas.
From Paris, July 28. Stilo novo.
Though the Duke of Orleans doe not come to
Court, yet he holds fair correspondence, and hath
sent Monsieur du Belloy, Captain of his Guards to
Complement their Majesties, and represent the
great trouble hee conceives for the bad success before
Valenchienne. This Message was resented by
the King with much affection, who declared therupon,
that he desired nothing more than to see his
Royall Highness in person.
The Sicur Mangin is returned from Spain, and
gone since to Court to render an account of his
Negotiation about the procuring of the liberty of
Charls Duke of Lorrain, which hath been often endeavoured
to no purpose.
The new Imposition is at length setled at Bassee,
Betbune and Arras: the Common people at Montrenil
apprehending the like would be done there
have cruelly assassinated one of the Commissioners
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