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Mercurius politicus, Number 320, 24th-31st July 1656 E.494[17]

employed. It is said also, that they of Boloign
have been in a Mutiny upon the same occasion.
The Inhabitants of Montrevil fearing fearing the
indignation of the Court, have dispatched a
Messenger thither to excuse the matter, and obtain
an Amnestie or Oblivion of the King.
The Sieur de Bocheu Secretary to the Duke of
Modena, hath been apprehended here and sent
prisoner to the Bastille, being accused of holding
intelligence with the Enemy and betraying his
The News from Court at In Fere is; That our
Army is in the old Post near Qnesnoy, commanding
the rivers Escout and Aysne. That the Enemy is
in their Post still towards O[unr]nde; that the Prince
of Conde having possessed himself of the Castle of
Bossu, hath by that means blocked up our garrison
of Conde, and intends to form a siege which is in
effect already done That all Courses are taken
to supplie our Army both with men and money.
To this end fix Regiments of Foot are passed by
Senlis to joyn with the Army, the said Regiments
being to joyn with the other Forces which are
comming to the King out of Bretaigne and Normandie.
Also, that the Command of that Body
of the Army which was under Marshal de la Ferte
is to be conferred on Marshal de la Mothe Haudan-court,
he having been sent for to Court for that
purpose. The Regiment that came out of Alsatia,
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