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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

to Elections, to sit in the Exchequer Chamber this day at two
of the Clock in the afternoon, and so, De die in diem.
The House likewise appointed that a Grand Committee should sit in
the House every Friday in the afternoon, upon matters this concern
A Grand Committee for Grievances to fit in the House on Tuesdaies
in the afternoon.
A Grand Committee for Courts of Justice on Wednesday every
week in the afternoon.
A Grand Committee for Trade to sit on Thursday every week in
the afternoons.
A Bill intituled An Act for tenouncing and disapulling the pretended
Title of Charles Stuart, was this day read the first time.
Friday 19.
The Bill for reuonncing and disapulling, the pretended Title, &c:
was read the second time.
Saturday, 20,
A Declaration for the Fast being brought in, it was read the first
time in the House, and it was ordered to be brought in again on Monday
The Lord chief Baron Steele being made Lord Chancelor, and
Keeper of the great Seale of Ireland, did on Monday last begin his
Journey towards Ireland.
From Paris September. 20.
The Cardinall De Retz being departed out of
Italy, it is beleeved he intends to go into Flanders
there to be reconciled to the Prince of Conde, and
to shelter himself under his Protection.
Our last advise from Constantinople faith, the
Grand Seignior, out of indignation for the late
losse of his great Fleet, layeth the blame of all upon
the Generall Bashaw, whose head he hath caused
to be severed from his shoulders.
Our letters from Rome doe advise, that the
Pope hath commanded the Portugall Ambassador
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