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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

to depart. The occasion is said to be because the
King of Portugall will not yeeld that his Holinesse
should dispose of any Ecclesiasticall Preferments
in that Kingdom, in any other name but that of the
The Letters out of Flanders say, that the titular
King of Scots hath appointed a Rendezvouz
at Bruges for all the English and Irish of his party
in France and in the Low-Countries.
The Spaniards do continue to streighten the
Town of St Ghilain, and have lately done us some
mischief there; for, the Marquis of Belleford, fallying
out of the Town with an intent to have surprised
some of the Spanish Forragers, chanced to
fall within an Ambuscade that had bin laid by the
Enemy, by which means he lost many of his men,
and had much adoe to save himself, the Enemies
being double his number.
Madam de la Trimouille hath got leave at Court
to go to Amiens to see her son the Prince of Tarente,
who is there a prisoner, but shee hath hope of
having him again at liberty.
The Queen of Sweden is still the great subject of
discourse. Its said, she intends to dismisse all the
Italians out of her Retinue, and take in French in
their room. She hath among others, four Women
Attendants of severall Nations, with whom
she discourses in their own languages, so that when
she speaks to one, the three other doe not understand
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