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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

what she faith. Of all the beauties of the Court she
most admires the little Marchionesse of Villars, niece to the
late [unr] of Mombaxon, and a great Favorite of this Queen,
who hath given order to a Painter for the drawing of h[unr]r
Picture with all exp:dition.
It will not be long now ere she departeth; and it is written
from Court, that she will first make a voyage in Pomerania
where the settlements of her Revenue lieth) for dispatch of
some Affairs, and that then she will repass by the way of France
into Italy, intending to spend the rest of her daies in Rome
Others say, she is so much in love with our Nation (it suking
with her gen[unr]ins, as she expresseth upon all occasions) that she
would [unr] her [unr] at [unr] if the Court consent to it. She
hath had Conference with all the great Scholars and eminent
Wits of France, who have been sent for on purpose to attend
her pleasure. She hath some knowledge in Hebrew and
Greek, but speeks exceeding well the Latine, Italian, French,
Spanish, and German Tongues, and is said to understand the
[unr]gues of most of the States of Europ.
The English who are of the Retinue of the little late Queen
of England doe give cu[unr], that great matters will be done for
her soa Charls in Flanders, and that the Spaniards courts him
so farr, that he is to make entrance in great pomp and State
into Brussels,
From Vienna, August. 24.
On the 17 of this month about 8 a clock in the morning,
the Emperor, his son the King of Hangarie, and Arch Duke
Leopold, went hence by Coach towards Prague, and the
Empress in a Litter, because of her being great with child.
His Imperiall Majesty at his departure, left orders behind him
for the raising of new Regiments to supplie the room of those
which he sent to serve the Spaniard in Italie.
From Raga in Liestand, August 26.
The Moscovites have made miserable wrack and spoile in
this Couotry. They have not onely wasted the campagne,
but fallen upon divers of our garrisons and taken them.
Dunenbou[unr]gh th y carried after nine severall assaults on the
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