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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

assist the Polish King. The Poles have done what
they can to take off the Cossacks from assisting the
Swedes; but cannot prevail, the Cossacks being already
upon their match.
The Qu. Of Sweden is returned to Marienbourg,
where her brother-in-Law Prince Adolph, & Gen:
Dowglas now are; the later of which is to goe for
Liesland, to endevor a putting of 1500 Scots into
Riga, if it may be effected.
From Dantzick September 9.
The Swedes that lye about this City, have received
order to march away, and most part of the
Garrison of Hoeust are gone already, and those
who are at Lowenbourg and Dirschaw are to follow
to joyn with their main Army, which the King of
Sweden makes as strong as hee can for a speedy
march into Liesland against the Moscovites.
The Dutch Fleet continue in this Road.
From Hamburgh, September. 6.
We are advised by the last Letter out of Prussia
that the Elector of Brundenburgh being come to
Konigsberg, had sent the Count of Waldeck with
2000 men toward Posna, to take possession of that
place, and of all the Starosties or Governments belonging
to it, the Garison whereof are to goe but
and joyn with the Swedes. Major-Gen. Dorsling
is marched that way with 4000 horse; so also is
Col Spar with 2000 more, and 4000 Foot, to
keep the Poles from making any excursions.
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