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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

people is daily imployed here in the works of fortification,
and among the rest, those Merchants of Moscovia or Russia,
which were some weeks agoe seised upon and imprisoned,
are also put to the same work, in regard the Moscovites war
doth now being with great vekemency; and they have besieged
the fortiesses of Netebourg the City of Dorpcalso,
but they find in both places such a resistance, that they (we
hope) willl effect nothing.
From Elbing of the 7 of September, S. N.
I cannot but let you know, that the Treaty with the Holanders
was last night fully agreed and concluded, so that the
same was signed and consummated; notwithstanding the
great oppositions of the disaffected; and the good confidence
and Mutuall amity between both parties will be firmly established,
The succour for Liefsland, is now for the most part
in readiness at the Pillaw to depart, whereof some are already
marched away: and although in those parts the flat Country
as far as it doth touch the Moscovites is much to suffer; yet
it is hoped, that with Gods gracious providence and helpe
the face of affairs will shortly be changed and put into a better
condition. We hear nothing of any Polish Forces on foot
that are considerable; and we do long to see what may be
the Issue of the interposition and mediation, which the French
Ambassadors Messieurs d'Avancourt and de Lombre have
undertaken between both parties. In the mean while, it is
certain, that both Chimilinsky with the Cossacks, and the
Prince of Moldaw do offer themselves for the service of the
King of Sweden, to which effect their Ambassador is at this
time with his Majesty whereof we shall give you a further account
by the next.
Another from Elbing the 12 of Sept. 1656.
The Treaty with Holland is fully concluded and was
signed this night by 12 of the clock. The City of Dantzick
is so far therein comprehended, as it remaineth peaceable and
must fare acording to its behaviour in the future. His Excellency
the Field Marshall Wrangel is to have the chief command
in Prussia, and his Excellency the Field Marshall Steinbole
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