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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

is to go with an army into Masuria to exchange place
with him.
We hear that yesterday Ten Danish men of War, wherein
are at least 2000 men, are arived before Dantzick, and are
joyned there with the Holland-Fleet. But as these come
somewhat too late; so it is conceived, That the King of Denmark
may hereafter smart for it, when the Swede is at leisure
to remember it.
From Breslaw, September 2.
We are here certainly informed, that the Forces of the Pr:
Elector of Bradenburgh hath lately taken the strong Monastery
[unr]rement, by reason of the dry weather, being scituated
in a Moorish ground, whereby they put 400 men to the sword.
The Wayword Weyer, and Colonell Shuffgotsch, who are intercluded,
and not able to come to the Polish Army, doe lie with
their Troops, consisting of 1200 men, about Calish, with
whom all sorts of Vagabonds and base people are joyned, intending
to reduce the place, because the Swedish Army is
somwhat remote from them. It is said that the King of Poland
is retreated to Landshut, and towards the Mountains of
Hungary called Qipser; but this is hardly believed.
An Advertisement.
Take notice that the Statute-Office is [unr] White-Frlars,
within the Court next to the George-Tave[unr], the first House on
the left hand.
An Advertisement.
Vpon Tuesday [unr]gh[unr], the 16 of September, 1656. two Horses were stoln from
Baswell-house, out of the stables, the one a Bay stone Horse with a star in the
Forchead, one white Poor behind, and many white Spots under the Saddle, and
about 9 years old. The other a black Hagg, about 13 hands high, a white streals
down all his Face, and the near Foot behind white, and a white Spot on the near
side by the Saddle, about 5, or 6 years old, and rowelled in the near shoulder. If
any one can bring intelligence of them to Baswell-house near Merrideu in Warwickshire,
they shall be well rewarded for their paids.
An Advertisement of Books newly published,
The Riches of Grace displayed in the offer and tender of Salvation
top [unr]. Being severall Sermons upon Rev. 3. 20. by Mr Obadiah Sedgwick
[unr]. D. Sold by Adiniram Byfield at the Bible in Popes head Alley.
Mr Jerina [unr] on the[unr] and wonderfull Are of suring by SYMPATHY;
Laid open in [unr] in Conclusions, and digested into an easie
Me [unr]drawn from both. Preserved and published as a Master-piece in this
Sxi[unr]. Sold by Ralph Smith at the Bible in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange.
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