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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

From St Quintin September 20.
On the 18 instant, Marshal Tureine came with all his horse
and quartered at Vermand, about 2 leagues from hence, and
then joyning with the Troops of the Sieur De Passage late Governer
of Conde, hee arived here yesterday about 7. a clock
in the morning; and being accompanied by the Marquis of
Uxelles, the Marquis of Castelnau, and divers other principall
officers, and 9000. horse, hee advanced towards Guise upon
some great designe. At noon, the Infantrie and the Baggage
followed after with the Cannon.
From the French Court at Campiegne,
September 21. S.N.
On the 15 Instant, their Majesties being advised, that the
Queen of Sweden was to come that day out of Paris, to the
end that her reception might be managed with all respect be-fitting
her Royall dignity, the Cardinal went the same day on
horsback to meet and complement her at the Castle of Chantilly,
whither the King also came incognite to see her; and returned
hither again the same night.
The next day being the 16. their Majesties and the whole
Court went out to meet her at the Castle of Fayelle, one of the
fairest places that I have seen, whither being come, she was
received by the King and Queen with all imaginable magnificence.
The Next day, she was visited in her Appartement by
the King, and his brother, and by them conducted to Mass
in the Chapdel of the Castle.
On the 17. she dined alone in publick, and afterwards the
King carried her a hunting, then a French Comedie, and
after supper a Concert of rare Musick and Voices in her
Chamber, wherein she declared a more then ordinary satisfaction.
On the 18. she dined againe in publick, but supped in private,
having first been treated by their Majesties, Monsieur,
and the Cardinal, and the whole Court, with a Tragi Comedie
Entituled, LaFidelite Envers le Roy, which was acted by the
Jesuits Scholars in the great Guard-chamber of the Castle
with great applause.
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