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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

The Heads of the Three Sermons preached before the Parlament,
at Margarets Westminster, Wednesday September 24.
Mr Caryl took his Textout of the 14 of Fer. Part of the 9 Verse,
The words are these [Leave us not.] Thou, O Lord, art in the midst
of us, and wee are called by thy names leave us not.
From hence he raised 3. Propositions.
1. That the Lord it in a singular and speciall manner with his People.
2. That the Lord doth sometimes withdraw his presence, and leave his
own people.
3. That the Lords leaving of his people is the forest Evill, and saddest
Affliction that can befall them.
This last was the main Subject of his Sermon.
Mr Manton's Text was the 4. of Amos Verse 12. [Therefore thus
will I do unto thee, O Israel; and because I will do this unto thee, therefore
prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.]
The Doctrine was to this sense,
That the great duty of a Nation in time of Gods anger is, to give him
a Day of serious meeting, to make up the breach and difference betwixt
God and them.
Mr Jenkyn took his Text out of Psalm 2. verse 12. [Kiss the Soulest
he be angry, and ye perish from the way; when his wrath is kindled but a
little; blessed are all they that put their trust in him.]
The Doctrine was, That the Kings and Judges of the earth must kiss
the Son, if they will avoid his anger.
Westminster, Munday 22. Sept. 1656.
This day the Declaration for a publique Fast in the three Nations
was again taken into consideration and passed, and a Committee
of the House appointed to attend his Highness the Lord Protector
therewith, and to desire his Highness consent thereunto.
The Amendments to the bill, intituled, an Act for renouncing and
disanulling the pretended Title of Charles Stuart, &c. were reported
from the Committee, and the same were agreed, and the Bill with the
Amendments ordered to be ingrossed.
Upon a Report made to the House from the Council of the Reasons
why divers persons being returned for Members of Parlament, were not
admit[unr]ed into the House. The House upon the Question Resolved, that
those persons be referred to make their application to the Council
for an approbation. And that this House do proceed with the weighty
affairs of the Nation.
The Committee of Parliament, this afternoon attended his Highnes
at Whitehall, with the Declaration to be issued for a publique
Fast, &c.
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