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Mercurius politicus, Number 328, 18th-25th September 1656 E.497[22]

Tuesday, September 23.
The House this day appointed a Committee for the affairs of Scotland.
As also a Committee for the affairs of Ireland.
A Bill, entituled, An Act for the Security of his Highness the Lord
Protector his Person, and continuance of the Nation in Peace and Safety,
was this day read the first time, and another day appointed for the
Reading thereof.
The House received an account this Day from the Committee appointed
yesterday to attend his Highness for his assent to the Declaration
for a publique Fast in the three Nations, that the said Committee
had attended his Highness, who hath given his assent thereunto;
and thereupon the same was Ordered to be Printed and published,
and to be sent down to the severall Sheriff, to be dispersed to the
Ministers of the severall Parishes.
A Bill, entituled, An Act for setling Registers in every County, was
this day read the first time, and another day appointed for the second
reading thereof. And to the end the House might chiefly intend at
present the Publique concernments of the Nations, and securing the
peace and safety thereof, the House Ordered, That no private Petitions
be read in the House for one Month now next coming.
And because many persons who exhibit Petitioners to the Parliament,
have used to print such Petitions, and disperse them before they have
been read in the House (which is contrary to the course of Parliament)
and thereby many times they lay scandals upon others in print,
before the truth of their Petitions have been examined, the House
did Order.
That no private Petition to be presented to the Parliament, shall
be primed before such petition hath been read in the House.
The House appointed a Committee to prepare severall Bills for
Publique good to the People; as A Bill for taking away the Court of
Wards and Liveries, and Kings-Service-Tenures.
Also, a Bill for provision for Orphans, and preservation of their
Estates and Descents.
And a Bill for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations;
and Ordered them to be brought into the House, to the end the People
might have Relief therein.
The House adjourned till Thursday morning because of the Fast.
Wednesday, September 24.
The Parliament observed the Day of Humiliation at Margarets
Church, where Mr Caryl, Mr Manton, and Mr Jenkyn preached before
London, Printed by Tho: Newcomb dwelling in Thames-street,
over-against Baynards-Castle, 1656.

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